It's more explosive than ANT, and wins more often because of it. Post Ad Nauseam, or really in general, the so-called "card disadvantage" is never relevant. TES is more consistent with its turn one wins because it plays Chrome Mox. You are essentially starting with a 6 card hand and combo decks generally needs all their cards.ĪNT consistently loses on turn one. Even if wastelands were played.Ĭard Disadvantage from Chrome Mox does count for speed and consistency. (UB Demonic Pact Control) Standard Control Enchantment Theme/Gimmick UB (Dimir) fancywales. You technically have access to all 5 color mana but if you hand is Chant, Dark Ritual, Rite of Flame you still can't cast everything.ĪNT only plays black rituals which can't run into this problem. Updated by fancywales using our MTG Deck Builder. Is how many colors you can generate all at the same time.įor example if you have two Gemstone Mines. A high singularity means that the deck is running cards that are less common in that archetype. () Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. () Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER.COM store. Quote from BattleFishWhen you need multiple different colors, its not so much of a problem of what colors you can generate. Magic: The Gathering Arena deck tech & gameplay with a Blue/Black zombie tribal deck, featuring Champion of the Perished, Tainted Adversary and Bladestitched. Dimir Control is also known as Dimir Control, UB Control or P3. Duress effects are fine, but silence is golden. Both decks have a good goldfish, but ANT has a much weaker game against hate simply due to the fact it doesn't have access to extra protection. It has access to more mana (and therefore colors/protection) faster, so there isn't a problem with using the City of Brass for silence, and then suddenly moxen ftw. The exact reasons you gave for why TES doesn't go off early are actually the reasons it can. Please don't talk about card disadvantage in a deck built for speed, not grinding long games out On that note, TES can go off with protection wish just a swamp as well - but that doesn't mean it's going to happen to either deck. When you're using a 5-color mana base with 12 mana rocks to complement it - there is very rarely an issue with getting colors. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. TES can go off turn 1-2 but it is either without Chant or with a lot of Lotus Petals and Chrome Moxes. While ANT can go off consistently with protection by using just a swamp.įor that reason ANT is way more consistent to go off turn 1-2. It splits into two color of rituals and needs white mana for protection. Quote from BattleFishIt is exactly the mana base that slows TES down.